Patients have seen excellent results from the Less Swelling Less Pain guide books!
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Has the book helped you in you recovery from hip or knee replacement? Leave a review to share!

Anonymous Patient
Was very skeptical when I heard of the method. After this experience, I know without a doubt that had I done anything else, there’s no way I’d be where I am today. I am so pleased. The book was my bible….it explained everything I needed to hear and know. I recommend this way of surgery to anyone that asks. Dr. Wickline, Staff and Apex Surgery Center are amazing!

Anonymous Patient
he is spot on with his educational videos, and book. The upgrade was also very helpful

Anonymous Patient
the book helped a lot apex was excellant dr wickline was pleasant and made me feel confident and comfortable

Crystal Ricca
I was very grateful to have this book to read before and during my total hip replacement recovery. The information in the book was spot on with what i was experiencing day to day. It explained what i would be seeing, feeling, and how to help manage the situation. Knowing what to expect or understanding what i was experiencing through my recovery helped me to not get anxious about the daily things that came up. I would refer to the book for piece of mind that everything i was experiencing was normal and to be expected. Thank you Dr. Wickline, i am absolutely thrilled with this whole experience!

Justin D. Elwell
I used Dr. Andrew Wickline’s book while preparing for and during my recovery from a total knee replacement. The book lays out a complete plan for preparing yourself and your home for surgery and recovery. Beginning just hours after surgery, you start to ice and work the new joint. Day by day during those first two weeks, you ice, flex, pump and stretch your leg with the heel hang every hour for 15 hours. But day by day you experience measured improvement. At my two week post-op appointment I was able to easily reach 122 degrees of bend with my new knee. I was walking confidently, using a cane only for a sense of security. By three week the cane was gone. While I still ice, as needed, and work the joint daily, now 8 weeks post-op, I am, and have been, fully back in the flow of life for over a month. I am still cautious, and I pay close attention to any pain, but I did my first hike 6 weeks and 2 days after surgery. How? I followed Dr. Wickline’s program, exactly as he describes in his book. Is this program effortless? Far from it! Is it worth doing the work? Yes! For the first time in well over a year I am pain free in my knee, and unless I inform them, people cannot tell that I have had a total knee replacement, as the scar is so fine. When you get this book as you prepare for surgery, just do it! You will thank Dr. Wickline at your six week appointment!

Gary Mancuso
The guide book is an absolute must! I wish it were available 9 years ago when I had my first total knee replacement. Typically I’m not one who follows procedures, and I’m certain others feel the same way. As the saying goes your never too old to learn new ways and believe me this guide book described daily post operative procedures that made my recovery quicker and more complete. Reading Dr. Wickline’s daily commentary what one can expect was spot on. As a recent patient, believe me you won’t be disappointed with your results if you adhere the guide books procedures.