Patients have seen excellent results from the Less Swelling Less Pain guide books!
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Has the book helped you in you recovery from hip or knee replacement? Leave a review to share!

Anonymous Patient
I would recommend the ice machine. It was a big help in my recovery.

Anonymous Patient
Dr Wickline did his best and, as a patient, it is up to us to do our best. I highly recommend the BREG ice machine, following the exercise and step program and keeping to the medication regime. You will be successful!

Anonymous Patient
Caring. Explains each step in easy to understand terms. Follow Dr. Wickline’s instructions and the book exactly. Use the edema stockings and get the ice machine. Both are well worth it.

Anonymous Patient
Dr. Wickline is the best! He took the time to talk to me about my surgery and recovery. His book was invaluable and the perfect guide to follow during recovery. The Ice Cube was well worth the investment as it reduced swelling and pain the first few weeks of recovery.

Anonymous Patient
I had total knee replacement 5 years ago with another Dr and the difference is amazing!! if you follow exactly what he tells you, use the Breg and keep the step count you will have the best experience possible. Dr. Wickline is awesome and his program works!!

Anonymous Patient
Awesome experience. Book and ice machine a game changer!

Anonymous Patient
This is my second partial knee replacement with Dr. Wickline. While the first knee surgery recovery and end result was great, this time was an even easier recovery.and less pain and swelling. The Breg machine with the compression with ice was so helpful, as I had very little swelling and pain under control without narcotics.

Anonymous Patient
Very happy and pleased with the whole experience. We found the Active Ice cooler by breg was a huge help.

Anonymous Patient
I was very pleased about the outcome of my knee replacement.I was very satisfied with every person involved with my care.I felt the pre-op education was fabulous, I looked forward to the Upgraid people contacting me asking how I was doing,I also used the ice/compression machine and it was fabulous!I had very little swelling and it helped so much after exercising.

Anonymous Patient
he is spot on with his educational videos, and book. The upgrade was also very helpful

Anonymous Patient
Keep you book with you and follow all the guideline for before and after surgery, Make sure you exercise even though you are going to hate it, It’s worth it in the end

Anonymous Patient
My experience with Dr Wickline and team has been above and beyond the call of duty. They have been super supportive, thorough, and always available. The manual was a great help and helped to manage expectations as well as keep me on track. If you are holding off getting your knee done figure out what is holding you back and get it done! For me it was how was I going to pay my bills while out of work and who would help me. So I did not take vacation and scheduled surgery around the holidays. I used vacation time. And my adult children were around for the holidays to help! It all worked out and I am so happy!